TREPA’s 23nd Annual PICKEREL Tournament
DATE: Saturday August 27th, 2011 Rain or Shine
TIME: Registration is at 7:30am. Fishing is from 8:00am until 2:00pm. weighing ends at 2:30pm.
PLACE: Summerville, Yarmouth County on Mood Road (follow the signs)
FEES: Under 5………………Free 5 to 12 years…………$5 Adult ………………..$10Tournament RULES
- Fishing license and boating safety certificate are the responsibility of the participant.
- Participants must sign a waver upon registration. Persons under the age of 16 must have a parent and/or guardian signature.
- Catch and release is the option of the participant.
- All boats must have proper safety equipment (ie: bailer, oar, life jackets)
- Prizes are awarded by weight only; decision of the judges is final!
- No alcoholic beverages at the weigh-in station.
- All garbage must be returned to shore for proper disposal. Immediate disqualification for littering.
For further information call Elaine at 648-0329