Tusket River Environmental Protection Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 5th, 2020 7:00Pm
Present: Barrie MacGregor, Dianne Klomp, Nicola Roberts-Fenton, Eko Raharjo, Jen Cunningham, Larry Deveau, Roy Fudge, Jean Cleveland, Ginny Smith
Regrets: John Sollows, John Morris
Dues were paid by Directors
Agenda: After a few additions it was moved by Jen, seconded by Roy and carried that the agenda be approved as revised.
Minutes: It was moved by Roy seconded by Ginny and carried that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as distributed.
Finance Report: A comprehensive financial report had been circulated prior to the meeting by the treasurer. It was moved my Dianne, seconded by Roy and carried that the Financial report be approved.
Executive Director’s Report: To be covered under agenda items as best as possible without John Sollows.
Old Business
- Carleton River Water Quality Monitoring: Jean has written and sent in provincial and adopt a stream applications. Looking into some new gear for water testing including thermometers and depth finder.
- Summer Student: Jen is looking for the last application (from John) to re use the data on the form. Tasks for managing the student can be delegated to different members. For example, Barrie is willing to oversee the Market duties. Jen will deal with HR including payroll. Ginny will manage beach cleanup organization and teach some canoe and water safety. Jean can deal the student and water testing. There is also the opportunity to have the student be working with YETT to organize tree planting groups with kids, teaching the kids about the trees. Also working with Jens father to help identify Hemlock Woolly Adelgid locally.
- Op Eds: Barrie had a meeting with Charles Daniels to write an article highlighting the solar system that he has, including details like cost and efficiency. The plan is to submit to Tina at The Vanguard and if they are not interested it will be posted on the website.
- Volunteer strategy: MTRI, Jeffie connected to Debbie, it is in Debbies hands.
- Outstanding tasks from/for John
- Lobster draw – Barrie will talk to John about the tickets.
- April 25th date for Freecycle, this is also the weekend of the Canoe Rally, that’s a lot going on, because we also try to sell tickets in Carleton for Canoe Rally.
- CRK Allen Nature Reserve John and Mike are interested in taking a walk to the back line, still to come.
- Web.com possible transfer of domain to registrant, to revisit when John can discuss.
- Booking AGM Presenter/ Date April 14 Haven’t heard from Jason Hollett, Barrie will send another email to him to confirm.
- Healthy Forest Coalition – Mothers Day Picnic any new ideas? There are other incentives going on to get people into the wilderness.
New Business
- Water Caucus Defer to next meeting (John)
- SWNS Municipal Stewardship Project, Emma Bocking Defer to next meeting (John)
- Subdivision by-law amendments Municipal of Yarmouth is reviewing plan, Roy will attend meeting February 18 6:00 PM.
- Dave Hall Lands, Granite Falls to East Tusket River General consensus to go ahead.
- Salmon Cage Culture, Information Morning Cermaq moving out of BC, doing public meeting in Nova Scotia. Exploring 5 sites. Looking into getting farther information from NS Dept of Aquaculture, Minister or Aquaculture Barrie will investigate who else we can speak to.
- Funds for YETT Authorize expenditure up to $550.00 for YETT to purchase trees for planting. Native species in multiple location in and around Yarmouth area. Roy motioned and Jen seconded to approve expenditure.
- Gerald Jacquard Barrie will draft a letter and TREPA will donate $100.00 to the Gilles Boudreau Cancer Fund moved by Roy and seconded by Jen.
- Volunteer Nomination Form We can nominate John Sollows if he is interested as it is his last year as Executive Director.
Next meeting: March 4, 2020 at Beacon Meeting adjourned at 8:27PM