These are the minutes of the October 2nd Board Meeting. They are subject to approval at the Novembewr meeting. However, they have been reviewed by the members of the Board for consistency with their understanding of discussion and accuracy of recording.
Tusket River Environmental Protection Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 2nd, 2019
Present: Dan Earle, John Sollows, Jean Cleveland, Ginny Smith, Barrie MacGregor, John Morris, Eko Raharjo, Nicola Roberts-Fenton, Mike Raynard, Roy Fudge
Regrets: Dianne Klomp, Debbie Sullivan, and Jennifer Cunningham.
Agenda: Several items were added to the agenda. It was moved by Barrie, seconded by John Morris and carried that the agenda be approved as amended.
Minutes: It was moved by Mike seconded by Jean and carried that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as distributed.
Finance Report: A comprehensive financial report had been circulated prior to the meeting by the treasurer. John indicated some items that will have to be changed. It was moved by Barrie, seconded by Roy and carried that the financial report be approved as amended.
Executive Director’s Report: John Sollows indicated that it would be covered under agenda items.
Old Business
- Carleton River Water Quality Monitoring: Sampling will be finished up in October. It appeared that some of the last samples sent in had been mixed up by the testing company.
- Summer Student: The final payment had been received.
- Op Eds: TREPA has produced nothing recently but there has been a lot of general coverage locally and internationally on climate change.
- Executive Director’s tasks: John has included this in his report but will break it out into a separate document. Board members are asked to review the list with the idea that members will pick up the items.
New Business:
- Volunteer strategy: A request had been received to help volunteering with a regional body Mersey-Tobeatic Research Institute. It was generally agreed to wait for further information before taking any actionJohn had previously circulated the initial project draft as well as another for a related project (Clean the Tusket). A TREPA Board member is requested to take the lead on these initiatives, and TREPA can set terms as to its level of participation. John will recirculate..
- Oyster Acquaculture and Eel Grass: It was generally agreed that this would be a good topic for presentation at the AGM in 2020.
- CRK Allan Reserve: Roy reported that he and Barrie had visited in the previous week. The sign had been shot up with a shotgun. However there had been little traffic on the site itself. They also noted the locations of NS Nature Trust 2 parcels of land and the Canadian Nature Conservancy parcel as well.
- Association Goals: Barrie had circulated the document developed the previous year on association goals. It was agreed to carry it forward to the next meeting with board members requested to review it for further action.
- Property Observation: A request had been received for TREPA to help in observing a property that may be put under protection. It was agreed to wait for further input before making any agreement.
- Avalon: Roy and John Sollows had met recently with Avalon, the company that has an interest in re-opening the tin mine. Avalon indicated that it is still working on the project and will keep TREPA posted on any future developments.
- Sustainable Prosperity Act: Ginny provided some input that came from YETT. The first and foremost aim should be the act of lowering GHG emissions to Net Zero by 2050. Netukulimk is the term used in the act to describe that sustainable development must meet the goals Of the IPCC agreement without compromising future generations i.e. a renewable resource cannot be used at a rate faster than its regeneration capability. To that end, here are some of the suggestions we provided: No further oil and gas exploration permits, replace fossil fuels with renewables for electricity generation by 2030. Employ electric buses and other forms of rural transportation. Support Solar garden cooperatives, plant trees, carbon pricing for all, expand Efficiency NS programs, retrofit all social housing and government buildings to carbon neutral by 2040.
- Executive Committee: The following were nominated to be the executive to the 2021 AGM.
President: Barrie MacGregor
Vice President: John Morris
Secretary: Nicola Roberts-Fenton
Treasurer: Dianne Klomp
It was moved by Barrie, seconded by Mike that the nominations be approved as presented.
Next meeting: As Solar Nova Scotia is doing a presentation on November 6th it was agreed to have the next TREPA meeting on November 13th at 7:00 pm at Beacon Church pending availability.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.