These are unapproved minutes. See future posts for revisions, if any.
TREPA Minutes
Aug. 7, 2019
The meeting of the Board of Directors of TREPA Aug. 7, at 7:03,P.M. our Main Street office.
Present-Barrie, John S, Ginny, Jean, John M., Dan, Eko, Jennifer, Roy, Dianne, Larry, Mike and Debbie.
Regrets: None sent.
Guest-MacKenzie Upton- Student employee
Approval Agenda-The agenda was approved with corrections from John S.
Approval Minutes– Minutes approved by John M. 2nd by Roy.
Treasurer’s Report-DFO Project employees paid, John S. expenses paid, Barrie’s expenses paid, CRA forms sent; Revenue not balanced this month due to the fact that we have not received payment from DFO. John S will send reminder.
Dianne moved the adoption of her report, 2nd by Mike.
Old Business:
1. Summer student-Report-Mackenzie Upton provided accounting of her activities-Collected water samples for blue-green algal blooms, worked with Waste Check at their booth in Exhibition, attended MTRI program in Caledonia , checked for woolly hemlock aldegid in a few areas, has worked on two research reports: one on blue-green algae blooms. MacKenzie will be doing further water tests, and take a boat tour of Medashack area under the supervision of TREPA across Great Pubnico Lake.
2. Water quality-Carleton River system-Chemistry- testing has been done on early algae blooms is scheduled as well as for mid blooms and scheduled for late blooms. Eko will check the upper 4 lakes (Nowlans, Porcupine, Placids, and Provost); there were checks at the end of July and there will be passive blooms checked at the end of August.
Jean felt the volunteer help requested from Andrew Sinclair regarding algae blooms was not clear coming from various sources involved in the project, nor were the protocols made clear. There were too many people involved in the organization of the project with conflicting e-mails circulating. She recommends that we not get involved next year.
3. OP Eds –None from TREPA. There were several notices sent out from other sources (not TREPA) regarding the Boat Harbour/Northern Pulp situation. There were also several notices sent out concerning clear cuts in Shelburne and Annapolis area.
4. Support for Palaeolimnological Project given –John S. sent letter out.
5. There was a request for funding for a workshop next
6. DFO fish count project concluded. There seem to be lower level of kiaks this year.
7. Climate Crisis- Judy Green will be running for office. Other than that, is considered a beneficial website. According to the information on that sight, the biggest challenge to climate crisis is refrigeration. Larry thinks that three of the efforts TREPA should support is hydro-power, wind mill power generation, and the installation of solar panels. (Ginny has attached contact for Solar Nova Scotia).
8. Rare Plant count was done July 26. The low early count of Plymouth gentian may have been due to late spring and relatively early timing of the count. The water level was down from July 2 and during the month, there has been heavy ATV activity on parts of the shore, where counts are typically done. This is a major concern for TREPA. The problem has been reported to DLF which plans to send in a drone and possibly install cameras later.
9. The Golden Forest issue is being addressed. In the fall a proper culvert will be installed. The municipality will charge each tax player to cover costs.
10. PAC meeting-apparently the issue in Dayton was discussed July 16 and it appeared to John S. that lessons had been learned. The next PAC meeting will be Aug. 20 at 7pm.
1. Aug. 17-Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth-Nature Trust Celebration of Coastal Islands, Aug. 17 1:00-4:00. Contact Jessica Bradford, 1-902-4255263.
2. MTRI series-Session on Aug. 21 is on Monarch butterflies. Ginny moved that MacKenzie be funded to attend if she wished to attend. 2nd by Mike. Approved by the board. MacKenzie will write a report.
3. Bills-Large check to John for expenses- paid.
4. Letters– Nancy Robinson re Striped Bass Research proposed by Dawn MacNeill re Nova Scotia North Atlantic Study asked for participants –none were found; Invitation from Victoria Brooks to attend seminar Aug. 3. No one was able to attend from TREPA. Request from Andrew Sinclair regarding water testing received.
Temporary Executive selected by committee. John moved and Jennifer 2nd the acceptance of temporary executive: Dan-President, Vice President-Mike, Barrie –Secretary, Treasurer-Dianne Klomp.
Next meeting Sept. 4, 2019