TREPA Minutes
March 6, 2019
The meeting of the Board of Directors of TREPA March 6, at 7:05 P.M. at Beacon Church location.
Present-BarrieMacGregor, John Sollows, Jennifer Cunningham, Mike Raynard, Jean Cleveland, John Kearney, Larry Deveau, Roy Fudge, and Ginny Smith.
Regrets: John Linder, Debbie Sullivan, Dan Earle, Dianne Klomp and Eko Raharjo.
Approve Agenda-Jean asked to add a point to the agenda under #1. Moved by Michael, 2nd by Larry, approved by board.
Approved Feb. minutes Moved by Michael, 2nd by Larry.
Treasurer’s Report- Not available at the time of the meeting, however, it was sent and was missed by the secretary. The report has been attached.
- Water quality-Jean and John are both on the Carleton River Water Quality Monitoring Committee. Jean believes that any time there is an environmental issue being discussed, TREPA has to take a strong stand within the committee and that written report that comes from TREPA have to leave no question regarding TREPA’s point of view. John has said that he has taken Jean’s comments into account and has modified the report accordingly. The final report is not ready yet, however, John has circulated the modification. Jean stated that the final considerations are the ones that count the most when the public reads the report. The next steering committee will be meeting at the end of the month. (John notes that there is a very close relationship between the amount of rainwater, water run off and the colour of the water which leads to the possibility of greater blooms). Jennifer wants to be certain that the Dept. of Environment is still monitoring the mink industry. Barrie will check on this. John S. will address this issue.
- A Public Information article on Riparian Zones has gone out to the municipalities for their newsletters. There were positive responses from all except one staffer who considered the article a piece of lobbying. Councillors have addressed this issue with the staffer and emphasized the value of the services that TREPA provides.
- It was agreed that a resolution in support of strengthened provincial protection for shoreline buffers and enforcement of the Forests Act Wildlife Habitat and Watercourses Protection Regulations be sent to Councils of both the Municipality and the Town of Yarmouth. Action: Barrie and John.
- OP Eds-None
- Summer Jobs-Clean Foundation approved the grants but all of our involvement is based on whether or not we get funding. SNBRA will help with funding. We can sign the contract with the proviso that our funding comes in. John S.
5. Lobster draw-Barrie will be at Carl’s store for two days Friday and Saturday. Barrie and Ginny will sell tickets there. The Carleton Canoe Rally is April 27, Roy will sell tickets there.
6. The letter related to residents and businesses in Dayton area, has not yet been responded to by the municipal council. The letter to Municipality of Yarmouth and the response will be discussed next meeting. It was also mentioned that excavation for a building can be done before a permit for building has been given.
We will be addressing issues where we have not had a consensus. Letter to Municipality of Yarmouth will be discussed next meeting.
1. There may be another area to be developed near a lake, at the old Y property. The individual who bought the property wants to develop it. We hope to encourage the municipal council to enforce the Riparian Buffer Zone. We need to make a request to make a presentation to the Planning Advisory Committee. It appears that the By Law needs to either be revised to take into account the Riparian Buffer zone or the enforcement needs to be addressed. (By law 426). We will prepare a presentation. It is worth noting that John Cunningham is the Chair of the PAC.
2. Bills-Volunteers of Canada- we owe- $125.00
3. AGM-booked and guest speaker accepted the invitation.
4. Ground truthing –We have been asked to send photos of ecologically endangered areas and species to i-Naturalists.
5. If we give Nova Scotia Nature Trust a sum of money, it can be quadrupled by the federal government before March 31,2019. Since we are required to donate to other not for profit groups, Nature Trust seems like a good candidate this year. We agreed that we would donate $500 to Nature Trust toward the purchase of Seal Island. Moved by Roy Fudge, seconded by Michael Raynard. Passed. Next Meeting Wed. April 3, at 7pm Beacon Church.
The nominating Committee met briefly after the official meeting ended.