— by John Sollows
The Tusket River Environmental Protection Association will hold its Annual General Meeting at Lake Vaughan Fire Hall next Tuesday, April 17 at 7:00 P.M. Coffee, snacks, and mingling at 6:30.
Please note two items of special interest:
(1) By-law amendments will be moved for a vote by the general membership. See earlier article (by Dan Earle, dated Feb. 21) for details. These amendments will make our by-laws confirm to provincial regulations, and will be followed by election of the Board of Directors.
Don’t forget to pay your dues before the meeting, if you want to vote!
(2) Our guest speaker will be Mark Wiseman, Sustainability Vice-President of Avalon Mines. This is a chance to learn of Avalon’s plans from the horse’s mouth, rather than second-hand. Feel free to ask questions, express concerns, and make suggestions. Mark is open to all.