Yarmouth Municipal Shoreline Protection By-Law

— John Sollows

I have been reminded that too many shoreline property-owners in the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth still are unaware of the importance of leaving their shorelines wild and/or of the relevant Municipal by-law.

First of all, in ANY municipal unit, before you develop your property, go to the municipal office and DISCUSS YOUR PLANS WITH THE DEVELPMENT OFFICER! The officer is in the best position to tell you what you can and cannot do.

For those who want to do the research, the Yarmouth Municipal Land Use By-Law can be studied at https://www.district.yarmouth.ns.ca/images/stories/PDF/dev/LUB_MPS/MODY_LUB_June24_2015.pdf.

Clause 4.26 is the item of interest.

It says:

4.26.1 In all zones where development is undertaken on a lot which borders a watercourse an undisturbed buffer of 12 metres (40 ft) is required to be maintained between the high water mark on either side of a watercourse and any structure or developed portion of the lot. Infilling or removal of material is not permitted within the buffer
except for minimal disturbance incidental to a permitted undertaking. In the watercourse buffer area the natural flora and fauna is to remain substantially undisturbed except for penetrations for wharves and boat launches. Moderate thinning of tree cover in the buffer area to enable views is permitted and good ecological practices designed to minimize disturbance of natural shoreline areas are encouraged when undertaking all activities and developments within the buffer and
all developments on properties abutting watercourses in the Municipality. (see MPS Part 3 and Policy 3.1.9)
4.26.2 On any lot subject to the requirements of Section 4.26.1 of this by-law the required buffer supersedes any minimum yard requirement which may be less than the required buffer.”

Wild shorelines help protect lakes from turning muddy or green, neither of which does anything for property values. Also, some of that green stuff in the water can be hazardous to your health.

Respect nature. Respect the by-law.

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