The Tusket River Environmental Protection Association will need a new treasurer as of the end of March. A suggestion was raised at our last Board meeting that perhaps some one on our web list with book-keeping skills and interest in environmental issues might be interested in taking over the job.
Duties, as per our Policies and Operations Manual, follow:
3.4.1 The treasurer shall present a treasurer’s report at each executive and general meeting and a six month year to date report at the October Board meeting.
3.4.2 The treasurer shall be responsible for all Tusket River Environmental Protection Association monies and banking.
3.4.3 The treasurer shall issue tax creditable receipts.
3.4.4 The treasurer shall notify Revenue Canada Charities Division of any Tusket River Environmental Protection Association revisions which are required to be in compliance with the conditions of the association’s Registered Charitable status.
3.4.5 The treasurer shall pay annual membership dues for those organizations requesting same and with the annual approval of the Executive Committee.
3.4.6 The treasurer shall prepare the annual budget of the Association and shall submit for executive approval at the March Executive meeting.
3.4.7 The Treasurer shall advise the CRA of the new slate of officers following each AGM
The Board meets at 7 P.M. on the first Wednesday of every month, weather permitting. Our Annual General Meeting is the third Wednesday of April at 7 pm. Attendance at said meetings is normally needed.
Erin Comeau, our outgoing Treasurer, will be glad to provide needed guidance at mutually convenient times, as will our Executive Director, John Sollows.