TREPA in 2013

For TREPA members and others who may want to know what TREPA actually accomplishes, this is a report on the activities we were in involved in in 2013. We don’t just hold meetings….

Executive Director’s Report, 2013-14

TREPA’s focus is geographical and our activities therefore vary from year to year, depending on the issues which arise, and our own capacity.

In 2013-2014 TREPA

(a) With the support of Nova Scotia Environment, Adopt-a-Stream and MTRI, collected water quality data on seventeen lakes in Clare and the Yarmouth County Tusket catchment

(b) With the support of Adopt-a-Stream, conducted surveys on four culverts on tributaries of the East Tusket, with a view to assessing obstacles to fish passage

(c) with the support of the Sage Environmental Foundation, has been implementing the project “Developing Public Awareness of Need for Protection of Riparian Boundaries”

(d) continued to monitor Broad Brook

(e) organized a spring “Freecycle” at Beacon April 12 for people to drop off old, functional electronic equipment, which others could acquire at no cost.

(f) produced a website with regular environmental news, especially concerning regional and provincial issues. ( )

(g) served on Waste Check steering committee

(h) supported TriCounty Local Food Network, Farmers’ Market, and the IncrEdible Picnic

(i) participated in activities of the Nova Scotia Environmental Network, and served on the Board of the South West Nova Scotia Biosphere Reserve

(j) served on and helps organize and implement the annual Gulf of Maine Institute Canadian mini-conference and plenary conference, wherein interested young people from two provinces and three states around the Gulf of Maine catchment meet to present and discuss environmental issues of common concern

(k) maintained and monitored the C. R. K. Allen Nature Reserve, primarily for plant species at risk, on Gilfillan Lake, East Quinan (The reserve is open to the non-motorized public!)

(l) jointly with town and municipal planners, councillor Langille, and Michael Tavares, served as a resource person for students from the Dalhousie School of Planning during their September field trip

(m) public education included participation at Farmers’ Markets, various letters to newspapers, and an interview on “In Focus” (Eastlink TV)

(n) co-hosted a workshop on monitoring and stewardship of endangered bird species at Lake Vaughn fire Hall in March

(o) was in continuous touch with the Municipality and Planning Advisory committee on issues relevant to environmental concerns

(p) participated in various policy consultations, including town and municipal sustainability plans, provincial water resources management, coastal management, forestry, and environmental regulations and legislation. Specific this year included comments on parks and protected areas, Climate Change Action Plan for Town of Yarmouth, aquaculture development, Lafarge quarry expansion, closures of Mersey Hatchery and of federal libraries, the proposed Scots Bay tidal power project, and riparian buffer zones

(q) worked with the town on active transportation issues

(r) participated in TD Tree Days tree-planting

(s) garbage cleanups: Earth Day, Argyle Municipality, and Clean Across Nova Scotia

(t) employed a summer student: fish count, water quality monitoring, riparian buffer zone study and brochure development, culvert survey for barriers to fish passage, monitoring of the C.R.K. Allen Nature Reserve, other work

(u) talked at Ellenwood (DNR)

(v) served on South East Nova Scotia Biosphere Association and East Tusket River Monitoring Committee

(w) supported and encouraged sustainable management initiatives by all municipal partners.

Funding to maintain water quality studies is going to be an issue in 2014. To date, we have had no financial commitment from any funding body. If we hear nothing before the first scheduled sampling in May, we will sample a very limited number of lakes in May and await word re. later funding.

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