TREPA AGM – April 16
The TREPA Annual General Meeting was held at Lake Vaughan Fire Hall on Wednesday, April 16, with President Mil Nickerson in the chair. We had a total of eighteen attendees.
Our guest speaker was Doug Van Hemessen of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. He outlined the approach taken by the Conservancy and showed us priority regions in Nova Scotia. Since the Tusket catchment is included into one such priority region, the possibility of future collaboration came up. We look forward to further discussions on this.
Acting Secretary Barrie MacGregor read last year’s minutes and future Treasurer Art Earle presented the report of revenue and expenditures and balance sheet for 2013-14 and the budget for 2014-15. All documents were approved. Executive Director John Sollows went through the various activities TREPA undertook in 2013-14, and indicated that funding for projects this year had yet to come through. This will probably reduce the level of water quality sampling TREPA will be able to carry out in 2014.
President Mil Nickerson thanked all members for their support and expressed confidence that TREPA’s next 28 years would be as active and successful as its first 28. Those assembled thanked Mil for his work, wisdom and guidance since TREPA’s inception. We are sure he will continue to guide TREPA, even if just as a member!
The meeting also discussed the mess on Back Brook caused by the collapse of a culvert leading to the Golden Forest on Kempt Back Lake, North Kempt. In effect, the culvert has become an artificial dam holding back about four meters of water which has temporarily flooded forest and wetland upstream. The Board will discuss further.