GOMI drifter tracking – a TREPA assisted project

The annual Gulf of Maine Institute Summer Workshop was held at Acadia University in Wolfville from June 30 – July 6. One of the theme projects built two Ocean Drifters, construction of which was partly supported by a donation from TREPA. One drifter was launched off of Digby Neck; the other will be launched off of Barrington.

A drifter is equipped with a transmitter and other identifying information.

A drifter is equipped with a transmitter and other identifying information.

A drifter is a lightly constructed “kite” that floats just below the surface. There is a sensor/transmitter unit on a mast about 10 inches above the surface. It sends a signal twice a day to record its location at a central location. The location is then plotted and made available to all who may wish to follow its track.

The Digby GOMI drifter is now being recorded. The map below shows its location as of July 9, 2013. If you click on the image it will take you to the active web site where you can track its location as you wish. You might want to bookmark the site for easy access. You may also want to visit http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/drifter for information on other drifters.


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