Broad Brook Greenway – another link completed

TREPA first made a proposal for and provided a conceptual plan to the Town of Yarmouth for a Broad Brook Greenway in 2004. Over the years since we have had continual involvement in trying to get a full link completed between Argyle Street and Starrs Road.

We are pleased to announce that the Town has scheduled a Broad Brook Wetland Park Grand Opening for June 27th, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. This is a section of the Greenway on Town property between Southeast and Forest Streets and  allows connection to the already established Argyle to Southeast Street link. The Wetland Park was funded by the Wal-Mart settlement for its destruction of wetlands north of Starrs Road.

The link between Parade Street and Starrs Road is already established through the cemetery and is used by high school students on a regular basis. The only section now without a link is between Forest and Parade Streets. Most of the land needed to complete this link is connected to the high school so is public land. A right of passage, a path and a few steps would finish this connection and provide a wonderful greenway walk for exercise, teaching, and tourism attraction.

Frank Grant will be Master of Ceremonies. Elizabeth Kennedy of Stantec (the firm with the Wal-Mart contract) will be taking us through a guided tour of the facility following the ceremonies.

Hope many TREPA members can attend. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone that you feel may be interested.

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