These workshops may be of particular interest to TREPA members and our site visitors.
May 11-13: Spring Mushroom Foray/Grow your own: Outstanding, fun-filled, weekend investigating the amazing lives of mushrooms and their essential role in the life of the forest. Saturday’s focus will be on bracket (shelf) fungi led by Richard McBride, Ph.D. On Sunday learn how to grow your own edible wild forest mushrooms under the direction of David Boyle, Ph.D. (Maritime MicroBiologicals). We’ll gather Friday 7 pm for introductions and general discussion. Saturday, a walk in the woods guided by Richard, Catherine Pross, and friends, will be followed by a chance to examine mushrooms and mycorrhizae under microscopes in the lab. On Sunday, we’ll be inoculating logs and other substrates with mushroom spawn. Take home your own inoculated birch log promising a future feed. $250 all inclusive – five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two nights (bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Program runs from Friday evening 7 pm to Sunday afternoon. Registration closes May 1.
June 8-10: Introduction to Plants and Ethnobotany. This three day workshop with ethnobotanist Keith Williams and botanist Pierre Taschereau Ph.D., will introduce participants to the fascinating kingdom of plants. Topics will include: basic field identification of the major plant families, plant ecology, invasive species, and ethnobotany (cultural uses of plants). A three day hands-on botanical adventure, this workshop will help you answer burning questions such as: How can I tell the difference between introduced and native species? Which local plants can I eat? How can wild plants be harvested sustainably? Why do we have seasonal food cravings? How can I make bread without using industrial yeast? How did people dye cloth before industrial dyes were available? Limited enrollment. $250 all inclusive – five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two nights (bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Registration closes May 25.
For information about workshops and other programs go to:, visit us on Facebook, or phone 902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along with name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison Lewis Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.